Learned something interesting from a client the other day.
They’re using 4/4/5 accounting periods, and for a long time, they fought the @month code in their column headings. FRx would often pick up an incorrect month from their perspective, although that programming is by design.
They resolved this by using the @perdesc code instead of @month. This causes FRx to look at the ‘period description’ in the GL. (Their GL happened to be Great Plains, and the period description is found under Tools, Fiscal Periods, Period Name. Your mileage may vary, so to speak.)
I know this tip is a bit obscure, but hopefully it will make someone’s day!
This helps tremendously. Thank you!!
How do you do the month to date column in FRx? I set my periods up as weekly and tried to use effective dates, but the effective date pop-up window only allows 20 entries, not 52 as needed for weekly/mtd reports.
I would steer you away from effective dates in this instance. 52 columns is way too high maintenance!