One of the first steps in replacing FRx is understanding what your existing FRx reports are. And it’s really helpful to see them in a list so you don’t have to keep scrolling through the catalog.
Here’s how to create a list in Excel without cracking into the Access database (disappointing, I know, for you IT enthusiasts):
- In any FRx catalog, go to File > Print Catalog.
- In the resulting screen, highlight all reports with the mouse. (Don’t just click Select All.)
- Copy with Ctrl-C (right-click to Copy doesn’t work here).
- Paste into Excel (I use Ctrl-V).
- Format to your liking and save.
Once it’s in Excel, you can sort by company, by catalog ID, or by catalog description.
Now you can try to figure out which ones you use, and which ones you don’t. But I’ll leave ‘cleaning house’ to another day (sort of like I do at home). Cheers—Jan
Is there any process to do the same with Rows, Columns, and Trees?
You just saved me and my clients hours of tedious rekeying of this information into Excel! I have to say, I did not know that!
Hi Joe…if you go to the Open icon, in SP10 and later there’s a dialog box that lists all the catalogs, rows, columns and trees on different tabs. You can use this dialog box to select all and copy/paste into excel. In SP9 and earlier, there’s a separate dialog box for each one (i.e. a dialog box for rows, one for columns, etc), and I haven’t been able to test it, but I’m guessing it won’t be a problem. Jan
THRILLED to hear it Les! Hey I look forward to meeting you in person one of these days! :)
Client is on 6.7.11 and I cannot copy the listing of the rows, columns and trees? Any other suggestions? Looks like another option is upgrade them all onto MR test once initial scrub is done to remove unused R, C and Ts and then work on the clean up of the existing combinations? MR seems to have better options for doing the clean up and getting this kind of report listing.
Hi Jennifer…I’d retry the above instructions; they seem to work well and I was probably on 6.7.11 when I created them. Moving into MR probably oughta be last resort, but of course I don’t know your situation. Good luck…Jan