What in the world is up with Management Reporter?
There’s no roadmap. But here’s what’s up.
From GP MVP and all-round channel leader Mark Polino on January 4, 2016: It is Time to Rethink Management Reporter. Amen to this; I couldn’t agree more. A very important post, whether you run GP or not.
A Partnership between Jet Reports and Microsoft
Bottom line—Jet Express will be available as a download for GP in June 2016.
May 17, 2016: Mark’s comments on the just-announced partnership between Jet Reports and Microsoft.
Here it is straight from the horse’s mouth (Jet Reports) on this splash page on the announcement for Jet Express for GP. Plenty of links on this page, plus learn more about a webinar scheduled for June 15, 2016.
And this from MSDynamicsWorld on May 18, 2016 re the new partnership between Microsoft and Jet Reports.
M-R Speculation
Interesting to think about seeing the handwriting on the wall for M-R.
Is it a bit odd for me to be talking about ditching M-R when I make my living teaching an online course on M-R? Well…the way I look at it—it’s not about me. It’s about YOU, and doing what’s right for you. As I’ve said many times in the past, don’t accept M-R just because it comes with Dynamics.
Is it time to ditch Management Reporter? Only you can answer that.
But I just heard from an AX client who’s managing Management Reporter with an eye to move to Jet Express.
Add to the mix all of M-R’s missing features and buggy releases…maybe it’s time for a change. I think it’s coming.
PS. Up next is a post on running FRx with GP2015. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe…
Update on 6/2/16: Duh—somehow I neglected to mention a VERY important article. By Les Wright (longtime consultant), it’s on LinkedIn Pulse. Will Excel Replace Management Reporter? is his can’t-miss post on the new Jet partnership, and it contains some interesting speculation.
I am super excited about the new Jet Reports offering. Not everyone will change right away, nor do they need to. In fact, by attending GPUG summit in Tampa (Oct 2016) you’ll be able to learn about what tools from Jet are available at no extra charge.
Keep in mind these are basic Jet Reporting tools, and there are more extensive and quite amazing (ROI producing) options out there providing you are ready to re-load your wallet.
Hi Jan & Belinda,
This is true, but don’t forget that FRx was supposed to be dead too after the launch of MR in 2010… and there you still have customers running their financial reporting on it.
I wouldn’t worry too much about MR, as it certainly still has a few years to live before a new kid-on-the-blog (?!) will replace it.