These are some of the most important things to know about Management Reporter
You really don’t need to know everything about MR to create effective reports. Here I’ve pared it down to the ones I think are most important to know when just starting out.
The version as I write this is Management Reporter 2012 RU5.
- Lose the Day of the Week in the title of a report—It looks funny for a balance sheet to be dated ‘Friday, May 31, 2013’. This was driving people crazy; here’s how to fix it. This fixes it in the Report Viewer. Not the Web Viewer—sigh. (Update on 7/16/13: here’s how to fix it in the Web Viewer. Probably.)
- The Report Viewer is losing out to the Web Viewer—looks like all new development is focused on the Web Viewer and no more attention will be paid to the Report Viewer. As of RU5, the Web Viewer is the default. You can download a report to the Report Viewer if you need to. Heads up—these two viewers display reports differently. Going forward, make sure your reports work for the web viewer.
- Navigation essentials—learn the built in navigational shortcuts. The icons for Open Report Definition, Open Row Definition, Open Column Definition, and Open Tree Definition will save you so much time!
- Don’t round a balance sheet—unless you know the ramifications. I’m talking about using Edit>Rounding Adjustment in the row definition. When it goes out of balance, MR plugs the outage regardless of the limit you give it. That might be ok, except that there isn’t a pop-up box to warn you that it’s out of balance. There is a warning in the report queue status, but it’s quite likely you won’t notice the warning. So it’s possible to publish an inaccurate balance sheet. Stranger things have happened, so be careful.
- Check accuracy—I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: a trained monkey could create MR reports. But how accurate would they be? It’s essential to check accuracy on every report created. On a balance sheet, you can tell at a glance whether it’s out of balance. Not so with a P&L. I add a check total at the bottom of every P&L that consists of an appropriate range of P&L accounts, plus an out of balance calculation that shows up in bold red when the report is out of balance. Bottom line—think about accuracy on every single report.
- Drill to Dynamics—Make sure the Detail level in the report definition is set to include transaction detail or you won’t get the opportunity to drill to Dynamics. Marvelous feature for seeing the original transaction in the ERP. Here’s how: drilldown to the Account level, then click on a number and the Drill to Dynamics icon will become enabled (you can also right click). If the ERP client is installed, the appropriate screen in the ERP opens.
- Understand the Dimension concept—for FRx users, understanding this concept can drive report design simplifications. For example, in FRx you needed a reporting tree to create a department list. But because Management Reporter is dimension-aware, no tree is needed to create a simple department list. This dimension-aware aspect lends itself to using dimensions throughout rows, columns, and trees to create unusual reports whether you’re a former FRx user or not.
- Use Dimension Value Sets to streamline maintenance—a Dimension Value Set is a group of accounts that has a name and can be used in many different row, column, or tree definitions. So you create a set, use it in lots of places, but maintain it in one place.
- SharePoint Distribution—you can generate reports to SharePoint that the user can open with a web browser. Here’s how: on the Output and Distribution tab in the report definition, enter a report library location (or just let it default), then enter a link to a SharePoint location. (There’s some initial configuration needed to get MR to generate to SharePoint; here’s a Microsoft how to video.) Once the report is in the document library, SharePoint users will be able to see it as long as they have at least an MR Viewer license (all security is enforced). Reports will open in the Web Viewer (meaning a late-model browser). The SharePoint user can set up alerts as well.
- Sort by Natural—until Microsoft adds Subtotals, this box should be checked if you want to make any sense at all of your drilldowns. It will sort drilldowns by account. In the report definition, go to the Settings tab, Other button, Account & Transaction Detail tab, and check ‘Sort by natural or main segment’. This will sort your drilldowns by the main account instead of by the first dimension. The best long term solution will be for Microsoft to add Subtotal capability; you can find information on how to vote in my post Beer and View Subtotals.
- Datamart will soon be the only option—right now there are 2 options when you install MR: a datamart and a ‘legacy provider’ that talks directly to the ERP database. Once the datamart has every feature that the legacy provider has, the legacy provider is going to be phased out. Probably sooner than later…guessing before calendar 2013 ends. Heads up on this architecture change. Good news is that it’s an ‘almost live’ datamart.
- Use Show Summary Lines Only—in the Web Viewer, one of the options under Show is Summary Lines Only. You can toggle this on and off to show or hide detail, thus going from a summary report to a detail report with a couple of clicks. Very cool.
There’re more tips and tricks as well as more information on most of these tips in my two manuals Creating Reports in Management Reporter I—How to Create 4 Foundation Reports and Creating Reports in Management Reporter II—Step by Step Instructions on a Dozen More Reports.
Lots more to know about MR; feel free to share your own tips and tricks in the comments.
Cheers! Jan
OK I have one more…run multiple reports at once with Report Groups. Easy to set up, easy to generate.
Great tips as always Jan!
To add to tip #2; if you don’t want the report to default to the web viewer, go to Tools >> Options in the Designer and there is a checkbox to switch the default back to the main Report Viewer
Excellent! Learn something new every day…
Hey Jan – For #1, those date settings are stored by user, so you need to change it for the process service user to get it to pick up in the web viewer.
Excellent, thanks Jill. I’m sure all the IT folks know exactly how to do that, but I don’t! Can you share how to? Jan
Is there a favorite feature in MR that replaces being able to use multiple row formats in a tree in FRx?
Well, not exactly. But there are a couple of interesting features that may help you live without that. First, check out April Olson’s post on advanced reporting, scenario #5 on how to link to another MR report. But a newer feature is available in the web viewer—it’s the ability to collapse and show detail in a single report. Use the SHOW icon at the bottom of the viewer and toggle ‘Summary lines only’ off and on. Cheers…Jan
I have quite a few Frx report that would not convert to MR. After the first major release update, we tried again and they still would not convert so we blew MR off the network and reinstalled Frx. It has now been almost a year later. Has MR addressed these conversion issues?
Hi Paul…it all depends on what your conversion issues were, so I can’t tell you. But food for thought: some reports should be recreated (even if they can be migrated) in order to redesign to take advantage of dimension capabilities. One more thing to keep in mind…you can run MR and FRx side by side. So you can pull the plug on FRx only when you feel comfortable with MR. Jan
I purchased your MR II book as a reference. I am having an issue with Dimension Filter in a column format. Our COA is comprised of 9 segments, and I want to filter on a specific code “97” within segment 3. I placed this in a separate column and added the dimension filter. It will return no data. I have tried everything. Any ideas?
Hi Wanda…first, thanks for your purchase! Second, open MR II and do a search on dimension filter and you’ll see the example. (See the ‘Column closeup’ and the ‘Dimension Filter closeup’ screenshots.) Couple thoughts: make sure you use the dropdown box in the dimension filter cell so that MR uses the correct syntax. Your data will probably have the dimension name instead of ‘segment 3’. Make sure your value (the 97) is in that 3rd dimension. You might drop that 3rd dimension box down and select the value instead of typing it in. If the dimension is more than 2 characters long, you’ll have to use wildcards to get the value to the correct length, ie, if the dimension is 3 characters long, use “97?”. Also make sure the dimension filter is in an FD column. Last, you might experiment by changing this FD column from Periodic to YTD to see if you get numbers that way (maybe there’s no data for the period you’re running). HTH! Jan
Just heard from Wanda that she was able to get this to work correctly by making sure all of segment 3 was included in the ROW definition. Great point! In this case the column is filtering what the row is pulling from the database. Cheers.
is there some guide to data mart and its space requirements. It failed at one site after 150GB was used (large company with 100 companies dynamics SL).
Hi Peter…I don’t know because I’m quite happy to say that I don’t do any installation. I did take a quick look at the official MR installation guide, didn’t see the answer to your question, but it did link to the data integration guide. Not sure if this will have it but it’s worth a shot. Meanwhile, you might want to go straight to the horse’s mouth (microsoft) with this kind of failure. Good luck…Jan
the guide is only about the install and not about the running of it or the expectations around it. thanks for the answer though
Hello, Jan,
I’ve been using the “Fill” column type in FRx with no problem. Since going to MR, the “Fill” code will put only one character (I want an underscore) in columns where I want 15 or 30 of them. Any hints?
Hi Kevin…hmmm, I usually experiment like a mad scientist until I come up with something, but instinct says you probably won’t be able to get this to work. If you’re exporting to Excel anyway, I’d use its format painter (you probably already know that if you doubleclick the paintbrush icon, then you can paint formats all day long). Good luck, sorry I don’t have a better answer. Jan
Can you freeze the column headers in the web-viewer? I have a long report and it’s impossible to see what column is what.
Hi Dave…not at the moment, although CU7 was just released today and it may include some viewer improvements. Jan
We are having some issues exporting a report (it’s transaction level detail) from MR. The reports runs very quickly, but when we try to export it takes hours, and sometimes times out and crashes altogether. we’ve tried beefing up the server that MR is sitting on, but that doesn’t seem to help. My last solution is the “secure link” for the report, that the user can open in Excel format (provided they have security), but we have yet to get it working. i think it’s a security issue. anyway, in your experience, do reports open in excel quicker than the export process?
I heard about something like this recently. Will have to look back and see, but I’m on a plane bound for New Orleans at the moment and can’t look until next week. Meanwhile making sure you’re on latest code is probably a good idea. And maybe others can chime in and help to boot. Cheers…Jan
Hi Jan…Can you please tell me that how can i design side by side balance sheet in MR. Mean to say One Asset description column and then FD column and third one again Liabilities description column and then FD column. I know how to add two FD column but i am having problem in two description columns. Can you please help me in this.
Thanks in advance…
Hi Nauman…last time I tried this, it was a royal PITA to get 2 descriptions on a single row. Ditched it as not worth the effort. Easily done in FRx. In MR, not so much. Probably the easiest workaround is to export to Excel and manage it there. Cheers…Jan
Hey Jan. regarding the size of data mart database. I went to the horses *** and asked the question. The people that wrote the thing could not give me an answer other than each GLtran record comes over and maybe 12 records for each ACCTHIST record. OK what about all the indexes? Come on you wrote it and must have experience with it.
Hey Paul, lol re horses :) But I’m not following ‘come on you wrote it’…I’m very happy to not install and thus not write about datamarts and the like. Way back in the day, I was a Solomon consultant, so I happen to recognize gltran and accthist, but haven’t seen those tables in YEARS :)
well the datamart with SL gets its data from the GLTran table and the ACCTHIST table. I have a client with 38 million GLtran records and say a million ACCTHIST records. These get pulled in to datamart. If you wrote the damn thing you would think you would be able to tell me how much disk space this will take.
Names Peter by the way.
(sorry) Hi Peter…I didn’t write it. Maybe you have me mixed up with someone else…
well I don’t understand that because right below my comment at 11:15 is one about horses with you name on it.
Hi Peter. I’m trying to rein in my redheaded temper and consider that there’s maybe some sort of bizarre miscommunication going on here. I’m an independent consultant and I teach and help people with MR report design. I don’t install. I don’t do datamarts. I certainly didn’t write the datamart. I don’t work for Microsoft. If I had any idea where to find the answer to your question, I would pass it along! But I don’t. Cheers…Jan
Jan, I understand that for sure and so happy you are here and doing this. Not trying to get anyone angry here just carrying on some banter. Please accept my apology if I have upset you. I understand you are not the designer nor am I. My comments were not directed at you but rather at the people who are.
Got it thanks. Good luck…Jan
Hi Jan…I’m having problem in Management Reporter (MR) with AX2012 account detail section report. When I print a Financial Report and use the ACCT column type in column layout setting, I get a whole mess of syntax for the dimensions. Is there any way possible, to set sequence for main account and its dimensions in a defined way instead of concatenated dimension?
By default MR shows accounts like this: 10-010-1101101-0010 (Branch + Dept. + Main Account + Purpose + Account Category)
I want it to be shown as: 1101101-010-10-0010 (Main Account + Dept. +Branch + Purpose) +Account Category (I don’t need category to be printed in ACCT column).
Can you please help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
I am using GP and SL but MR should work similarly. Once you open a row definition, open EDIT them MANAGE DIMENSION SETS to define a NEW set of dimension in the order you are working with. If it is you most frequently used set, name it so that it appears at the top of the list. Shoot me an email if you need handholding.
Nauman, this might help too…you can toggle dimension descriptions on and off in the report viewer under View > Dimension Descriptions. (FWIW, that’s in chapter 2 of my MR I training manual.) You can also sort by natural account; I describe the process in this blog post Using a Hidden Setting to Sort Drilldowns by Account. Good luck…Jan
Hello Jan, Our organization is new to MR and we are having trouble with one particular feature. In the report definition when we go to settings, there is an “Other” box that houses the page setup, account/transaction details, additional options. In this window there are checkboxes under the account/transaction tab that allows you to display account code or dimensions. We are trying to limit what gets displayed here. Can you give us a little more insight on how to customize what gets displayed?
– Gina
How do you get a where used report for rows, columns, trees out of MR?
Hi Jan,
I’m referring to Dave Washabaugh’s comment on October 21, 2013. In your response, you mentioned that CU7 included some viewer improvements. Have you had a chance to confirm whether or not it allows you to freeze the headers?
Hi Chuck…you can right click a building block, go to Associations, and see where that single building block is used. You can also use Ctrl-O or File>Open to see an FRx-style listing of everything. Here’s a post I did on how to use this to sort. Cheers…Jan
Hi Kimberley! I haven’t yet; due to technical problems I’m stuck at an earlier version. Anyone else tried this? Jan
Hi Gina…sorry for the delay! Here’s what I’d suggest: pull up MR help, search ‘display account code’, then in the resulting list pull up ‘Account & Transaction Detail in report definitions’. This explains all those options. For instance, ‘display account code or dimensions’ will turn off the ability to see the account number when you drill down. You can experiment with all these. And of course this is on a report-by-report basis, so it doesn’t impact every report. FWIW, I’ve never turned off the account code, but understand that in some limited circumstances you might need to. Good luck…Jan
Hi Jan –
I installed Management Reporter and started using it for the first time. Now I’m working on an Income Statement. I have to create the Income Statement for each department on my GL account and I want each of the departments to show on a separate column and the accounts on the row. So it’ll look like this:
Dept1 Dept2 Dept3
sales xxx xxx xxx
Total Rev xxx xxx xxx
Expense: (etc….)
Any help would be great appreciated! Thanks!
Diop –
Hi Diop…this one is not hard to do. The natural (or main) accounts go on the row. The departments go to the Dimension Filter in the column. Make sure it’s accurate and you’re good to go. As a quick aside, my 2nd training manual chapter 9 shows exactly how to do this report with step by step screenshots. There’s a second way to do this report, but it involves a tree and is a little more complex for a beginner. Using the Dimension Filter as I mentioned above should work well for you. Just be sure to check accuracy. Good luck! Jan
Thanks for the hint Jan! I tried it and it works. Is it possible to group the rows (main accounts) by category so that one category will show in one row and each department will show their respective balance for that row?
I’m doing this for a client and will surely consider buying your training book if i get more assignments like this (instead of using up your time :-))
I do sell to lots of consultants, but it’s great to answer here because this helps everyone. So here goes: it depends on what you mean by ‘category’. If it’s just a grouping of natural accounts, then by all means. If it’s a part of the account structure, a separate dimension, then the answer is still yes but it takes a bit more effort to ensure accuracy. Use the dimension dropdown in either event. Cheers…Jan
That worked perfectly! Link to Financial Dimensions using Account Categories did it! Thank you so much!
…until next post :-)
Hi Jan –
Account categories will NOT work as a dimension for me! It’s so frustrating; I’m not sure why it doesn’t work. I have several accounts in GP setup as “Revenue” account category, and in my MR row I have it set to the “revenue” category; but when I produce the income statement, there is no data! The row works fine if I change from an account category to an actual account number. Can you think of what might be causing me to not be able to use the account category dimension? I’m using MR 2012 version 2.1.1037.15.
Hi Andrew…great job providing version. You’re on RU5 and I would’ve thought that would work. But I know that Msft did lots of work on account categories in service packs after RU5, so maybe installing the latest update would help. Your statement re ‘works fine if I change…to an actual account number’ is significant; it lets me know there’s nothing in the column restricting. Wish I had a more definitive answer for you; good luck. Jan
Are you actually typing in revenue or selecting it from the list? The reason I ask is because case matters in regards to categories and I’ve run in to this situation in the past. For example, “revenue” is different than “Revenue”. What is in MR needs to exactly match what you see in the Category setup in GP. Hopefully your issue is something as simple as that.
Great point by Matt! I noticed case was different but forgot to mention it, duh!
Just upgraded to GP2013 w MR U8 and all of my reports result in the category being concatenated with the account name under the ‘DESC column type!
I’ve tried 4 different dimension and all result in this overly long account title.
+Account Category = [Rent Income]
+Main = [60000:69999]
+Main = [60*]
+Main = [60701], Building = [07]
Any ideas?
I select from the list; so unfortunately it’s not a case issue. I’ve asked our partner about upgrading to latest version to see if that helps, because I can’t find anyone online with the same issue :(
Hi Ward…if I’m following you, then this will do the trick: you can toggle dimension descriptions on and off in the report viewer under View > Dimension Descriptions. Crossing fingers. Jan
Hi Jan, thanks for the response, I checked to be notified by email for a response and didn’t see one so I haven’t been back for awhile.
IAC, view>Dimension Descriptions seems to do nothing. The primary culprit seems to be the removal of the ‘Account’ setting under ‘Detail Level’ of the main Report tab. Is there no way to say suppress the DESC column and add 1 column for acct-# and another for acct-Descp.?
Hi Ward…hmmmm re email response. Re your possible solution, you could NP the DESC column, and there is a separate Acct column, but alas there isn’t a separate acct description column. So you’d just be back to square one. I’d recommend experimenting with it to see if you can make acct category go away, but I’m sure you’ve already tried! Jan
Hi Jan,
I know exporting to Excel is causing mega formatting issues for many, but not sure if there’s a feasible way to fix this scenario:
I have an average price per gallon calculating on a row for my financials, for columns B-F for this specific calculation I need it formatted in currency i.e. $0.00 and then for columns G-H I need it in percentage 0.0% is there any way to export this to excel properly? Right now I have the row set up for CS, SR print control and restricted to columns B-H with no format override and then my column set to percentage format override for columns G-H. The report runs correctly and I see the currency formats and percentage properly but then when I export to excel the currency amounts round to whole dollars! Any fix to keep the decimals in place?
One other question – is there any way to get the underscore row to print as a separate row? I only see now that my separate underscore row lines up directly as an underline to the total row versus a separate row for just the underscore as FRx was.
Hey Amy…Well I think you could burn a lot of time tweaking this and that and the other thing in MR, and you’d probably STILL end up having to fool with it in Excel. So I think the practical solution is to have a finished product in Excel, one that you can use the format painter on. It’s such an amazing timesaver. Open the finished worksheet, use the paintbrush on the entire worksheet, then paint the format onto the entire newly exported worksheet. Crossing fingers…Jan
PS. Re underscore, you can try skipping a line. Or you can try one of the LNE formats.
such a mess!!! I appreciate your response. I just can’t believe it can look just fine on screen and the formatting goes crazy when you export.
One more thing I just noticed! When I set up a dimension set I was pulling all of our expense accounts less depreciation so I set up as +[5000:5999] -[5700:5713] for some reason the depreciation is still adding into the row even though I’ve clearly indicated the operator to subtract. Anyone else have this issue?
Hi Amy,
With respect to your formatting, I assume you know that your row formatting is supposed to override your columns, and your columns are supposed to override your report formatting. Sounds like it’s working in MR, so it might not help that much to tweak, but it just depends on how important it is to you to have the formatting done inside of MR.
Is the depreciation adding on top of the 5000:5999 group, or only as part of that group? In other words, do you have it in your total once or twice? Is it calculating correctly in Viewer, just not in Excel? Are you exporting formatting rows in Excel?
Looks like someone else likes your list! And taking credit for it…
[Edited to remove link]
Jeff, I thanked you privately on Monday, but I thank you again for letting me know about this. I responded in a new post: Kicking Ass and Naming Names—Quit Stealing My Content!
I’ve been searching and searching but cannot find anything on this one….
is there a way to set up the column headers to repeat all pages of a report?
Hi Steve…probably not in the web viewer, but you can try the report viewer instead. It’s done by default there. You can download from the web viewer to the report viewer. If that doesn’t work, go to Tools>Options and check the box to use the report viewer by default. Caveat: there’s no more development on the report viewer, so there are a coupla buggy things (what a surprise), but most people like it better than the web viewer. Everyone is going to have to go with web viewer at some point in the future though. Good luck…Jan
Hi, how do you use IF-THEN-ELSE?
For example, in the Balance Sheet you may have the Bank Account as a debit balance (current asset) or credit balance (current liability). How do you use IF-THEN-ELSE so the account shows up in the correct category based on its balance? If I was to apply this to all the current and non-current assets and liabilities how would I design the layout so the formulas will be correct? Would you group the NP line items first followed by the IF-THEN-ELSE items or the other way round?
Look forward to your reply.
Hi Eric…this will be a really fast answer because I’m about to hop a plane but here goes: do the nonprinting account first, then create a CAL calculation for that one account: if @580 > 0 then @580 else @280 (where 280 is in one section and 580 is in another section). Repeat for each account. Outta here…good luck! Jan
Hi Jan
I am wondering if you can help….
I am trying to get a percent row calc in MR to display correctly across multiple columns that are totalling and displaying a variance using the column calc command. Irrespective of how I set the report calculation priority, either the percent total column or the percent variance column displays an incorrect result.
I’m sure I’m not alone in having come across this…
Best regards
Hi Simon…yeah know what you mean. What you’ll need to do is create some calculations to force the correct answer. Search column placement on this site for how to. What I’d do first, though, is to set the calculation priority so it gives the fewest wrong answers, then fix those with a column placement calculation. Cheers…Jan
ok, I am about to dive into MR, it just got installed on our systems to replace FRX, as we just migrated to GP2015….and the first thing I see is a blog that states that MR doesn’t work, “it’s time to rethink MR”…..sigh…I work for a non-profit, we can’t afford to switch to a new system, so I will have to make do with MR…wish me luck ! I;ll start reading your manuals right now !
Hi Hélène…yep know what you mean; frustrating. For a nonprofit, you should pay particular attention to MR’s dimension concept—you’ll be able to focus on one dimension at a time like nonprofits seem to like to do. Meanwhile, it might be worth your while to check out Dexsplicity, something new from two of the top dogs from the old FRx team. Full disclosure: I haven’t seen it yet, but I’d trust Kevin Berens with my financial life. Maybe with my life! Cheers…good luck to you…Jan
Hi Jan – I purchased your manuals two years ago for my not for profit, but due to some drastic turnover, I am just now using it. We converted to GP2015 so I didn’t have a choice. :)
So far so good with everything but my P&L. I have a reporting tree for different departments. Everything ties out just fine, but when I export to Excel, the formatting for the department reports doesn’t match the summary report and I NEED it to because I use these reports to do some long term strategic planning and there isn’t time to go to every tab and add descriptions and totals where they are missing. What am I missing?
Thanks – Lisa
Hi Lisa…thank you for your purchase! FYI I turned the manuals into an online course, so I’m no longer selling them. To write this response, I’m using a screenshot from the lesson on Exporting to Excel. The lesson came directly from one of the manuals, so you should be able to search for it.
All that said, I’m not sure what’s happening in your situation. It’s quite odd that the top level report has different formatting from the units underneath it (the departments). The first thing I’d look at is the Export to Microsoft Excel dialog box that pops up when you export to excel. You should have ‘All reporting units’ selected, and also look at the options section to make sure ‘export format rows’ is checked. Next you might try exporting directly from the report viewer. Then the web viewer. See if you get different results.
The other thing that might be going on is the detail level; maybe the departments are showing too much detail (transaction detail). You can control this in the ‘Report type’ section of this same dialog box. If you turn off ‘account details’ and just get ‘financial report’, does that help?
I will cross fingers that it’s something simple. Cheers…Jan
Does anyone else have formatting issues with underscore rows when exporting to Excel? The issue our client is having when exporting to Excel is that the underscore rows print in the transaction detail export EVEN IF we have the Row Definition designed to only print the underscore if a total exists.
We are on the most recent CU so if it was an issue it has never been fixed. Has anyone else gotten around this?
Hi Heidi…I haven’t tested, so maybe someone else will have a more positive answer. Only thing I can think of is a workaround using the format painter in excel. Start by exporting to excel without any underscores, then use the excel format painter to paint formats on entire sheets at a time. [If you doubleclick it, it ‘holds’ what it’s painting and you can paint multiple items one after another.] Sorry I don’t have a better answer! Anyone else? Cheers…Jan
Hi Heidi – I noticed this issue when we moved from FRx to MR. The only resolution I came up with (not sure if there have been updates since to resolve) was I must have a separate row below the total, or row you would like underscored, and choose underscore amounts in your format code box dropdown. In FRx, underscores were a part of the cell the number was in, in MR they’re a whole separate row. So for example, in my balance sheet row set my row 590 is the underscore line, my row 600 is TOTAL ASSETS with TOT in the format code, and then my row 605 is the double underscore amounts and then when I export I export the include underscore rows and my excel file has the underscore probably around the values.