If you’ve already got Management Reporter, and need to learn it so you can use it to help close the year faster
I was furious. [For once, not at Microsoft!]
Frustrated and overwhelmed. By new software.
I was in over my head and just needed to get a few simple things done without reinventing the wheel.
What was I doing? I was trying to learn online course software so I could launch my new online course on Management Reporter.
I did get through it, but I have a new appreciation for learning anything in a hurry.
As it turns out, learning a few essential basics first is key to making sense of everything.
Management Reporter Essentials—free
So when I launched my online course at Irreverent M-R, I made the first two modules FREE. In the first two modules, I show you the essential things to know about Management Reporter, as well as how to put together a trial balance:

This will get you going in the right direction. Don’t miss it.
To sign up, go to the course signup page, scroll down to Essentials, and click Join Now.
Recipes for Year End Reports
The rest of the modules in the course aren’t free, but they do contain “recipes” for specific reports.
Reports you can use for year end close.
For example, Module 4 has ten P&Ls, almost all using the same row definition. There’s a departmental P&L using a tree, a 12 month trend, a quarter end, a budget variance, a department list, and so on. And there’s a lesson on how to drill down to transaction detail:

These modules aren’t free, but they sure will save you some time.
There are a total of 9 modules covering balance sheets, cash flows, mistakes to avoid, timesavers, and other things in the “good to know” category.
For immediate access, head to the course signup, scroll down to the Whole Course and click Buy Now.
Lots more information
These reports come from my 20 years of consulting and teaching experience with M-R and its predecessor FRx.
Meant for use by consultants and end users on SL, GP and AX.
There’s lots more information on the course sign-up page. Yell if you have questions.
Cheers to your breezing through close! Jan
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